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Debunking Israel 🇮🇱 myths :

That is terribly wrong.
The first time the Arabic Muslim army seized the land was 1400 + years ago and they took it from the Byzantines not the Jews .
And Omar which was the second Islamic caliph at that time called back many Jewish families who were expelled from Jerusalem by the Romans back into it .
And if we look at historical records , Omar’s army
Didn’t displace the indigenous population there or commit a genocide to the civilians or annex their lands (like how Israel did!) nor did omar’s army call from Arabian peninsula ppl to mass mirage to it.
Omar just ruled over them
And over time, The indigenous people converted to Islam and many didn’t convert and remained Jewish and Christian etc and they adapted Arabic due to power and religious influence (just like Egypt today speaks Arabic despite the fact most of them decedent from ancient Egyptians.)
This is why the Christian Palestinian families are some of the oldest Christian families in the world going back to the time of Jesus himself.
And by the way, the whole history of Jews
Being expelled by their own god
Be it 2000 years or 3000 years or 5000 years ago
is a biblical story and not actual history
That we can depend on for facts
not everyone believes in the Bible and the history it claims.
And ironically , jews aren’t even the indigenous people of that land according to their own Torah. Their Torah states that Abraham migrated from Iraq to Palestine and that
The indigenous people of Palestine are the Canaanites and did you know that Canaanite dna is prominent in Lebanese and Palestinian dna? In the dna of the Levant people in general?
“ The results showed that modern Lebanese can trace more than 90 percent of their genetic ancestry to Canaanites.”

Here is dna of the Palestinians compared to ashkenazi Jew :

The only claim Israel literally has to the land is “my subjective holy book and God promised me this land and I’m God’s chosen people “
Which makes you no different than isis supporter .
In fact worse ! they quoted the Torah to justify their genocide in Gaza and their mayhem slaughter of children (And no , Israel under international law does not have the right to defend itself as the occupying power. ) And have been using “Gods chosen people” slogan to justify an apartheid that is as bad as the South African apartheid or worse against the Palestinian people for decades.

And I do not exaggerate when I call it
an apartheid state
There are discriminate laws against Palestinians even their proportion of water usage
segregation walls
Humiliating checkpoints
Illegal settlements in the remnants of their lands
Raids into their homes and places of worship
The usual Palestinian Child murders
All before 7th of October
In fact I am not the one calling it an apartheid
It’s not really an opinion
The UN calls it that
And so on
PhilDeep · 51-55, M
One of the reasons I've given up on most people, and this has nothing to do with if they're of my faith, or another, or race or anything else, it just seems very widespread, is this: people don't seem to care for facts like this. They seem to feel better by waving the flag of whichever "team" they are from, even if by having that prejudice and bias, they are contributing to sustaining a lack of peace, which is literally costing lives. This pettiness seems such a widespread aspect of human nature, I don't know why, education doesn't seem to even change it much, that I basically prefer keeping myself to myself rather than trying to get to know more people most of the time.
IamBack · 31-35, M
Interesting info but don’t bother arguing with idiots my friend, they don’t listen

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