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What would make you disown your adult child?

DeluxedEdition · 26-30, F Best Comment
If he/she hurt or molested a child or rxxed someone
DeluxedEdition · 26-30, F
Lmaooooo just being as honest as possible thanks for ba


I can’t imagine. The closest I could see might be if he or she murdered a sibling, but I’ve known such a situation where the parents didn’t even do that then.

Disowning a child because they’re gay, trans or love someone of a different race or ethnicity means (to my way of thinking) that the parent never really loved them.
Sharon · F
I will teach my children according to the bible not the world.
You epitomise christian love. Your hateful little god must be so proud of you.
He did not sit with prostitutes so that they'd continue to prostitute did He?@basilfawlty89 @basilfawlty89
@Sharon I can only pray that I make Him proud in all my ways and if at any time I faulter, I pray He has enough mercy on me to correct me and I pray my eyes ears and heart are open to His correction.
GJOFJ3 · 61-69, M
Once my child
Always my child
No disowning
No disinheriting
Ontheroad · M
@GJOFJ3 Agreed. I might be angry, disgusted with some act, even want to choke them or get them thrown in jail for X, but never disown.
ginnyfromtheblock · 26-30, F
there are a load of things my mom would disown me for 😔
Not anything.
I may hate something they may do, but they will always be my children.
Vin53 · M
Well if they're about to slay me I'd send them to their room.
anoderod55 · 61-69, M
I would try to help or get help for them . No matter what the situation 🙏🕯️🙏
JustNik · 51-55, F
I don’t think disowning would ever occur to me. There are terrible things that would certainly break my heart, and I wouldn’t protect them from consequences of wrongdoing. But they would always be my children whether I was proud or disappointed. I just don’t feel some legal maneuver would change that fact in my heart.
redredred · M
Exactly how would you “correct” a gay child? The world awaits your “successful” formula.
@redredred So is this because you have stumbled at my question? You go figure that one out then we'll share ideas you and i
redredred · M
@SW-User I asked you how you would go about correcting a grown up gay child. You refused to answer, asking an irrelevant question instead.

Can you admit you were unable to correct your gay child or are you going to continue to temporize?
. I asked you how you would go about correcting a grown up gay child

And I asked you how you would correct a lazy child, irrespective of age. I'm still waiting for good answer.
assemblingaknob · 26-30, F
If they use dead memes
Them being an intolerant religious freak.
Sharon · F
@SW-User Where did I give that impression I just said I could understand a parent who disowned a child who was being taught to hate their parents.
@Sharon So you'd accept love and cherish a child whom you'd deem worthy of being cut off and disowned if they belonged to any other parent?
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DeWayfarer · 61-69, M
Mass murder is a definite. 😖 Especially of kids.😢

I consider myself extremely tolerant of most things. Yet not of mass murder.
Nothing. Kids remain kids, ones own flesh, no matter how grown up they be.
Fairydust · F
Nothing, I know my kids would never do anything that would make me want to disown them. ☺️
I don't see how that would be possible.
WhateverWorks · 36-40
Rxpe, murder, abusing a child or elderly person.

Other than that there’s nothing I can think of. There are a number of things that would result in a limited relationship though like there’s a difference between disowning someone versus simply refusing to pay their way anymore.
Ingwe · F
I also can't imagine
irishmolly72 · 56-60, F
Torsten · 36-40, M
nothing at all
Jenny1234 · 51-55, F
Nothing. I could never
@Jenny1234 suppose your adult child refuses to grow up, be an adult and prefers to rely on you for the rest of their life. Do you you love them so much to let them be what they want to be, which is a perpetual child?
Jenny1234 · 51-55, F
@SW-User why would I disown them for enabling that behaviour? That would be partly my fault
@Jenny1234 Yeah but it's a problem that needs to be fixed so what's the solution?
Havesomefun2 · 56-60, M
Helped one of mine out now no talking form him
AbbySvenz · F
Rooting for the Dodgers.
@AbbySvenz 🤣😂 ok. That made me laugh
Justenjoyit · 56-60, M
Something hopefully I never have to do
I wouldn't disown a child but I surely wouldn't condone something I believe is wrong.
There might be a compromise, if both are willing... but chances are, if it's really serious, we may part ways. I wouldn't stop loving a child. There's just certain things I won't live by or excuse and allow.
caesar7 · 61-69, M
lol...my son turning gay

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