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So, What's up with God?

I'm a Christian and I love Jesus. I'm just so confused right now. Where is God when all hell brakes loose? Does he just choose this person to heal and that one to suffer? Please don't say if you have the faith of a mustard seed... Or pray Harder but what thoughts do you have on this?
G0ddess · F
A diamond is created under immense pressure, unlike charcoal; so at your age you need to get rid of such a victim mentality and realise that God wants us to toughen up, focus on the goal and not the suffering
@G0ddess If you are saying that healings are based upon or determined by our karmic path and manifestation abilities, that is not biblical.
@BritishFailedAesthetic that cracks me up that face hahaha
@LadyGrace Thanks to X for that one!
God never shows favoritism. He loves everyone the same. Question is, will we still be faithful and still love him, even when he chooses not to heal? Or is our love conditional? God's loves us unconditionally....even when we sin against Him.

Some things we are not meant to know until we cross over. There can be lots of reasons that people are not healed, so I have to wonder what is up with some people. Something that comes to mind, are people that say they love God and go to church every Sunday then live like the devil the rest of the week. I don't think God appreciates that. Or sometimes people just go to God when they want something from him, as if he's their personal Genie In the Sky, to be there at their every beck and call.

There have been times when God has healed me and times he has not. His infjnite love and care are more than enough for me, even when I am not healed. My love for him is not based on his performance. When God chooses not to heal, I can focus on all the blessings He has given me. And what I have is the promise of the presence of God as the Holy Spirit living within me, filling me, teaching me, helping me, and guiding me, with kindness, love, and faithfulness.

Here's something else to ponder. If God healed everyone that ever asked, all the time, then I think we would take God for granted and our healings wouldn't mean near as much. Sometimes us humans can get greedy and even forget to thank the One who loves us and cares about us the most...Jesus.
4meAndyou · F
IMO, people who blame God when things go wrong are just a little bit clueless. God is here to walk beside us in this savage and imperfect world. He never promised us days without pain, but He did promise us the Comforter, (the Holy Spirit), and He promised to love us enough to provide us with strength if we believe on His holy name.
Where he's always been, but people don't listen to Him, so they naturally suffer the consequences.
FreakLikeMe · 56-60, M
Ever notice when a team wins a football game they always thank God, but when they lose, that same God is never to blame?

I think of it like this:
If God is going to be praised for all the good things, then he must also be implicated in everything bad that happens on his watch.
Kstrong · 56-60, F
He sees the big picture, from the other side of eternity... We may not know why we go through certain matters at the moment, or on this side. It might not be for us to know, but for someone else to hear how we made it through, as a testament to His faithfulness. He is beside us to get us through.
Adstar · 56-60, M
Gods will be done.. Sometimes it is time for a person to die.. It's their time to go..

Sometimes Gods response to prayer is yes..
Sometimes it is No..
Sometimes it is not now but later..

We all sniffer in this world..
We all eventually die.. Some die in their baby carriage.. Some die in an old persons home having lived over 100 years..

I accept that in this world bad thing happen to me and to other people.. It's a symptom of a sabotaged creation not yet redeemed by The LORD.. I am assured that this life will not last forever and that in eternity i shall have the perfect existence i long for.. Also i am assured that the way this fallen world is shall not last forever but there will be a renewed earth, brought back into perfect existence..
Mardrae · F
It has nothing at all to do with God. It's your own karma from this life or past lives. Even God says you reap what you sow. That's what karma means. We can only blame ourselves for what happens to us , not God.
LordShadowfire · 46-50, M
@Emosaur As I said, I'm not trying to get you to change your beliefs, I'm just trying to show you that they are different. Original sin tries to blame the current generation of people for something that someone else did thousands of years ago. Reincarnation says that you've lived many lives before this one, and accrued positive or negative karma accordingly.
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LordShadowfire · 46-50, M
@Emosaur Look, I don't want to get into a whole thing with you, but you've got the wrong end of the stick on this one.
Littlejon76 · 46-50, M
I am not sure there is a God. I was always told there was when I was growing up, but even back then I had questions. I’m not sure anyone can really make sense of anything.
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Also read a commentary on the book of Job.
Bumbles · 51-55, M
Uhhh…not sure how to break this to you..
Renaci · 36-40
"I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the LORD do all these things."

This is a full admission and just one example of why the Gnostic Christians considered Yahweh a false God. He had none of the loving traits of Jesus but was a vain and vengeful monster that Jesus came to save us from.
Of course the early church literally killed the Gnostics off and then went on to rule the western world for the next thousand years.
So you might take 2000 years of religious propaganda with a grain of salt. You can be Christian and believe in Jesus but that belief doesn't require you to also believe everything else.
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LordShadowfire · 46-50, M
Careful. Pulling that thread is what led me in the path I'm on now.
WrngWlf · 46-50, F
@LordShadowfire what path is this?
LordShadowfire · 46-50, M
@WrngWlf Eclectic neopagan polytheistic atheist. I believe the gods exist, but not as all-powerful creators. I believe humans created them accidentally.

Please note that I say this is what I believe. I have not been blessed with any evidence I can reproduce for someone over the internet.

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