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If you were president, would you be willing to die for your country? And its citizens?

I would . While working to improve it.
AndysAttic · 56-60, M Best Comment
Once when the great Monty was inspecting troops under his command he asked a soldier, 'what is your most valuable possession?' The answer was 'My rifle Sir!' Monty answered, 'No it isn't. it is your life and I intend to protect it.'

Perhaps protecting the lives of others is more important if you have been given that privilege.

That said, Monty risked his life many times...I am not sure we can say the same of out 'current' greatest leaders and sometimes ask myself what right do they have to place the lives of others in danger.

robertsnj · 56-60, M
no idea. no chance of become president. However if I can conceputally toy with your question for the purpose of introspection may I:

ask why did you put '
if you were president"
as opposed to "would you be willing to die for your country" I am trying to understand how relation between the two parts in the sentence. Specifically how you percieve the idea of being president may impact willingness to die for nationality.

Also anything someone is willing to die for they are willing to kill for. When you get to the why part (why would you be willig to die for your country) , which isn't in your question (this is more of yes no question) you could take any reason they give for being willing to die and replace it with willing to kill for and not change the answer that person provided.

The last part is how ugly this question can become if you make it netural in terms of word choice; that neural proposal for the question would be would you be wiling to kill for your nationality or national identity if so why?
exchrist · 31-35
@robertsnj i asked if youd be willing to be president a few months ago. No replies.
exchrist · 31-35
@robertsnj also u explain why u didnt answer isnt an answer.
Patriot96 · 56-60, C
Yes, me and many. before me craficed and we were never going to be pres
Sevendays · M
@Patriot96 what is craficed?
Patriot96 · 56-60, C
@Sevendays typo sacraficed

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