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I was resting earlier, listening to music through noise-canceling headphones…

and suddenly a clap of thunder came, so loud I almost fell off the couch. It startled me, but I didn’t hear another one.
We rarely get thunderstorms here, but it’s been raining almost all month so far. Now the sun’s shining—for the moment. 🌦️🌫️
Last summer I was driving thru the Green Mountains in VT listening to Spotify. At some point I pulled over to admire a view, and when I got back in, I didn't notice the silence (I often drive in silence if the conditions require lots of attention).

Anyway, about 20 minutes later I'm on a small road approaching Rt 93 from the west when my peace of mind is shattered by loud raucous sounds! After a few seconds I realized I was hearing the opening chords of Smoke on the Water, quite startling!! I was finally back in range of a cell signal to receive spotify again.
SageWanderer · 70-79, M
Not long ago we had thunder snow. The blue light in the snow was surreal enough but in the silence of a snowfall the thunder was deafening. I’ve been watching the weather and predicted rain. I hope everyone stays safe.
craig7 · 70-79, M
We had thunder here early this morning and during the day - the 5th consecutive day of thunder,after relatively few storms earlier in the Summer.As for thunderstorms in your part of the world,I remember noticing distant thunderclouds to the north of SF one day when visiting about 20 years ago - later the news reported there had been a heavy storm and some flooding up in Sacramento.
The great (and terrible) thing about weather is, it will change.

Either Mark Twain or somebody else said: “Everybody complains about the weather but nobody does anything about it.”

It’s a little lesson about who controls what, I think
Zaphod42 · 46-50, M
Enjoy it! It’s been alternating from misting to pouring here all day.
@Zaphod42 I don’t really like storms. They unsettle me.
Zaphod42 · 46-50, M
@bijouxbroussard Oh sorry…I had meant the temporarily shining sun. Hopefully it dries up again soon for you! 🤗
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@BlueGreenGrey The funny thing is, I didn’t notice the lightning flash and couldn’t hear the rain with the headphones. But the thunder was a loud BOOM that made the room shake. I imagine without the headphones it would’ve been even more intense. I waited to see if there were more before I put the headphones back on, but at that point there weren’t.

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