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Biden's SOTU speech was nothing more than

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It was a SOTU speech.
It was a campaign speech
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typical campaign rhetoric. He bragged about things he allegedly accomplished and put the blame for his failures on the "previous administration." He talked about everything except, the state of of the union.
Kamala Harris was nothing more than a human "applause" sign.
I am surprised that those attending were not told to wear boots as Joe was certainly spreading his manure around quite thick.
SumKindaMunster51-55, M
He absolutely needed to be that way, any senility moments would have cost him dearly.

Be interesting to see if he can keep it up and continue when he DOESN'T have prepared remarks or ample time to prepare.
MasterLee56-60, M
@Handfull1 that is delusional thinking
Handfull161-69, F
@MasterLee I鈥檒l agree to disagree and leave it at that!
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I agree with our real President's assessment.

Biden gave one of his "angry old man" speeches and didn't fall down. Yay.
IM568861-69, M
@soar2newhighs Maybe the coke found in the White House wasn't Hunter's after all. maybe it's how they keep functioning.
justanothername51-55, M
@BizSuitStacy Trump does that all
The time - he鈥檚 71 - but he鈥檚 usually resorted to incoherent rambling within the first two sentences.
@justanothername ohhhh...Trump does it too 馃ぃ馃ぃ馃ぃ
Cry harder
Midlifemale61-69, M
Agree....definitely a campaign speech and the rest was all BS and lies and the republicans listened to it all and the democrats had blinders on and applauded it all
You could easily be describing Trump.
Jimmy201661-69, M
@ElwoodBlues More of a campaign speech than a SOTU speech.........He did recover quickly from all the times he slipped up. But that dude is old.......
@Jimmy2016 Remember when republicans were assuring us that Biden's SOTU would be a gaffe-fest and Biden might not even show up??

Now Biden has performed so well, they are moving the goal posts, LOL!!!
Many are saying just that鈥 campaign speech. I wonder if Michelle and Gavin caught that?
akindheart61-69, F
you nailed it. he spent more time bashing trump and the Reps than he did on his great work. his biggest accomplishment?? getting Sweden in NATO. wonder how the Jewish members thought about him heloing Gaza....
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MasterLee56-60, M
@akindheart another nato member who won't pay. Whoopie.
akindheart61-69, F
@MasterLee exactly. Watch sweden when trump is elected
Picklebobble256-60, M
I think he did what EVERY ONE TERM PRESIDENT has ever done.
Highlighted the 'successes' of fruition of decisions made (or not) by the PREVIOUS administration.

Not that you could measure Trump's Presidency as in any way successful.
Biden just has the 'advantage' of not being knee deep in covid restrictions and consequently is presiding over some sort of recovery.

Had to laugh at comments aimed specifically at the Supreme Court Justices who sat there stoney faced throughout.

More a battle cry to encourage Democrat voters to ensure they're registered to vote i think.
Especially since (as he pointed out) some southern states have made it almost impossible to do so
sunsporter164970-79, M
@ElwoodBlues I refuse to support your bill until you let in 10,000 illegal aliens per day, instead of 5,000 per day, unless you feel more should be let in
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You wrote this so you re-read it and tell me it's not dumb.

"He bragged about things he allegedly accomplished and put the blame for his failures on the "previous administration."

How exactly would Biden put the blame for "HIS own failures" on someone that was in office before Biden was even elected??

If something happened BEFORE Biden that deserves blame........then the blame couldn't possibly be on Biden. Biden put the blame for THOSE failures he mentioned squarely where they belonged.........on the one who was responsible for them............the man in office before Biden.

And please tell us..................what are Biden's failures? Bringing down post pandemic inflation to below 3%? More jobs in 3 years than was created by the last 3 Republican presidents.......COMBINED. (look it up) The highest market5 EVER??? Wage raises across the board??? Lower prescription drug prices?? The infrastructure bill trump couldn't do??? Tell us...what are those "Biden failures" ?? How about the border bill? That trump told his stooges not to pass? I guess that was "alleged" too, huh?
IM568861-69, M
@anythingoes477 Biden put he blame on Trump for Putin invading Ukraine. Biden put the blame on Trump for the US Southern border crisis. Biden put the blame on Trump for his failed withdrawal from Afghanistan. Enough said.
@IM5688 Biden did not blame trump for Russia invading Ukraine. That is a lie. Biden said that trump does not want to give aid to Ukraine to fight Russia and immediately after the STOU trump said to the press if elected he absolutely would not continue aid to Ukraine........Biden was correct on this.

Biden was absolutely correct that Trump DOES NOT want the border bill passed that would have helped to fix the immigration problem. That bill would have dedicated $20.23 BILLION to the border...new agents, more judges and tons more cyber security..cameras. etc. But trump told his stooges to stop licking his butthole long enough to table that bill so it did come not come to a vote. Trump thinks....correctly...if the border issue is fixed under Biden then he will have NOTHING to run on. He does not want Biden to fix the border so he told his stooges to table it until he gets elected. ;-)

Read this....... I KNOW you're clueless for truth. Read some of it.... https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2024/feb/07/us-senate-vote-bipartisan-border-bill

And Biden was 100% correct on why the botched withdrawal from Afghanistan happened. Against all advice from our military leaders and the Pentagon trump's love for terrorists and dictators made him invite the leader of the Taliban to Camp David (which was blocked)...but he still met with him to tell him when the U.S. would leave Afghanistan....every detail of it. He SHOULD HAVE negotiated with the government of Afghanistan for that withdrawal so Afghani government troops could have guarded the airport as we were leaving....but trump in his infinite military wisdom that only a draft dodger could have.......cut a deal with the same people that were trying to kill us for the last 20 years.

Genius idea, huh? Part of that deal was trump promising to releases EVERY SINGLE Taliban prisoner in Guantanamo Bay. One of those prisoners led the attack on our troops at the airport in Afghanistan. Meanwhile since trump cut the government of Afghanistan entirely out of our withdrawal plans........no cover support was at the airport to protect our troops as we were leaving. It was trump that cut that deal.........that bound whomever was in office on the day trump set........to carry it out. NONE of that was Biden's planning. Biden was exactly right on what he said. Trump released the man that led the attack on us...and trump made sure that the government of Afghanistan was cut out of protecting our troops as we leave............because in his demented mind it made sense to trust a terrorist who had been attacking us for 20 years to just let us go in safety.

You are clueless......shocker there, huh? You could Google ALL of this............but you don't want facts. The cult.........loves conspiracy theories and lies that make the convicted rapist look good..............not truth. But refusing to accept the truth don't make it untrue. It just shows us you are clueless and like it like that. Enough said.
That鈥檚 what every President has done during their SOTUS speech.
Getting worried, huh? 馃榿
SumKindaMunster51-55, M
@SW-User Are you even an American? I feel like you are the same guy who has been here again and again with similar account names...you are Western European correct?
@SumKindaMunster Deflection! I'm American :)
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jehova31-35, M
It was both but this speech always is. Thats a pretty dramatic assessment youve made id say its all a song and dance. But thats what snericannpolitics has been since at least the advent of televized campaining.
Voters need to understand - they are happy with Biden. Nobody is offering more! So be happy.
Midlifemale61-69, M
@Roundandroundwego you must be high on something. Voters across the country are not happy with Biden...listen to any news station and his approval rating is one of the lowest ever. I agree, not much mire offered ftom anyone else, but he's got to go for sure.
Most of what he said was true, though.
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