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Real Marriage Exist Always?

Is Young Generation Know The Real Definition Of Marriage ? Because, I think that many people nowadays are in couple because of means or beauty of their partner, or the famous and so on.... This situation scaring me everyday...

Sorry for my English. I hope you understand me... I speak fluently french that's why.
in10RjFox · M
Marriage has lost its meaning long ago and has become synonymous to wedding. Couples think wedding is marriage. And they get wedded because it has been the tradition. It scared me some two decades ago, and I wrote a book about it in 2009 and recently republished it on Kindle.


I need to translate the book in French or in fact all other languages of the world.
I got married at the courthouse. @in10RjFox
I don't know anyone who had an elaborate ceremony. Just a small wedding. @in10RjFox
in10RjFox · M
@Spoiledbrat When things are addressed we always talk about "In General" or majority of cases. So its inappropriate to be specific. The question here is about overall notion of how young generation views marriage.

Also it is not that you got married at the courthouse, but you got wedded at the courthouse. In most cases marriage does not happen, even many years after the wedding. There is no divorce for a marriage. Only wedded couples divorce.

So the question to you is "what is marriage?" "why did you marry?" "what have you achieved after the wedding?" "How has your life changed after the wedding?"
Primnproper · 56-60, F
Unfortunately in the UK the younger generation are losing their confidence in marriage and see it just as paper because of divorce rates. Its going out of fashion like alot if old values.
Hougal · 31-35, M
@Primnproper No Romeo and Juliet again!
Primnproper · 56-60, F
@Hougal well i ultimately believe in marriage and take it very seriously so i did do it again. One bad apple doesnt mean the whole crops off..lol
Hougal · 31-35, M
@Primnproper Yes you're right! Nice quote !!!!
Marriage originated in Babylon to sell young girls who just began puberty to men so they can birth their children.
Hougal · 31-35, M
@MorbidCynic Okay... Understand...I will check it
JimboSaturn · 51-55, M
@MorbidCynic I agree. People like to think that it is natural but what is natural is just living together. Only cultural and religious institutions demand it.
TexChik · F
Marriage is a " garden" . If you dont take good care of it daily , it will perish.
Hougal · 31-35, M
@TexChik Wow !!! Good!!! It's a genius answer!! I love it... You're perfectly right!
People fall in love with appearances or potential. That is the way of the young, mostly. True love requires knowing a pereon with their flaws and strengths. That comes with time and experience. Your English is fine.
Hougal · 31-35, M
@PoetryNEmotion Perfectly Said!!! You're right... I have 31 but still single because I haven't not meet the perfect partner... Many I met before didn't loved me in reality... They was there for money!

It's is my philosophy right now...
Dating is a process!!!
@Hougal Good luck. I am still searching.
Hougal · 31-35, M
@PoetryNEmotion Thanks you ! Same to you!! I'm still searching too
heavyone2 · 61-69, M
As a friend and I was once chatting about life in general...this subject came up. She said.... "well,,, ya know when it seems the grass is greener on the other side of the fence.... it will just take more watering and tending to keep that lawn up".....and we both laughed and agreed.
Hougal · 31-35, M
@heavyone2 She is right!!! Perfect answer... But this tending must come from each side
QueenOfZaun · 26-30, F
I think around the mid 20th century you can start to see the decline in long lasting marriages. Society has changed a lot in the past 120 years and therefore there aren’t many financial, economic or emotional incentives to get married.
Hougal · 31-35, M
@QueenOfZaun You are right... This fact is destroying our society
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Hougal · 31-35, M
@jshm2 You're right!!!! Without Faith or Trust, nothing won't work
I think, mostly don't, they just think it's a formal/legal part of a relationship.
Hougal · 31-35, M
@ABCDEF7 The Big problem... My biggest fear is how will be the future with this kind of situation?
@Hougal Can't say will they ever recognize the importance of institution of marriage, and it's importance for a strong civilization.
Hougal · 31-35, M
Marriage is an official joke where I live. But before that, it became something based on vows that are just something you say.
Hougal · 31-35, M
@ImperialAerosolKidFromEP The problem of vows is that many people are in a hurry to start this journey (long)... And many of them are not really ready to start... Marriage is not something for everyone...

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