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I'm a non-smoker.

But my wife and our eldest children smoke.

Their lives. Their decisions. I've never tried, never even thought of it.
ArishMell · 70-79, M
Non-smoker here, too.

I did have a girlfriend who smoked though only moderately, and yes at times it was like kissing an ash-tray, but luckily that was unusual.

I had one cigarette when I was about 19, did not like the bitter taste, could not see the point; have not smoked since.

Years later my Dad quietly admitted he wished he'd never started, but I think he caught the habit from his own Dad; and they were of an era when perhaps far more men smoked than did not. Youths and young men apparently thought smoking somehow "manly", encouraged by the baccy companies' advertising.

Nowadays it seems the other way round, with far fewer non-smokers than smokers, at least of tobacco.

I don't know how nicotine-vapour smoking compares but these products can be far more addictive by having a higher concentration of the compound, and none of the loss represented by the cigarette continuing to burn even when not held in the mouth.
@ArishMell Yeah, the combustion products in the smoke will be the main source of carcinogens, but nicotine itself isn't a very friendly drug. It can increase one's blood pressure, heart rate, flow of blood to the heart and cause a narrowing of the arteries. Nicotine may also contribute to the hardening of the arterial walls, which can lead to heart attack.

When choosing a drug, legal or illegal, you have to do a cost/benefit analysis. The high of nicotine just isn't worth the price your circulatory system pays. And the high doesn't last - pretty soon you need nicotine regularly just to feel normal.
ArishMell · 70-79, M
@ElwoodBlues Well, I'd not choose an illegal one anyway! However it's been known for a long time that all these addictive substances are ultimately bad for you.

It's been found recently too that there are unscrupulous gangs in the Far East (China?). trying to make children addicted to nicotine by selling preparations of it disguised as sweets.
TexChik · F
How can you possibly stand to be in the same house with the smoke? Gross! Or kiss her? I can not stand tobacco smoke. That would have been a deal breaker for my marriage.
MarkRichardson · 46-50, M
@TexChik Those 4 letters. LOVE.
Lemony1199 · F
@TexChik I have the same thoughts as you.
TexChik · F
Thanks for that little tidbit of info. I have to go ponder it now.
4meAndyou · F
Unfortunately, you are "smoking" whatever they smoke. Secondhand smoke from the air.
4meAndyou · F
@DavidT8899 I don't have enough energy right now to continue the debate, but clearly there were SOME ill effects experienced by children and the elderly constantly exposed to secondhand smoke.
DavidT8899 · 22-25, M
@4meAndyou No doubt there were-SOME.As I said before,I'm NOT advocating for smoking,and if adults who have kids do smoke,I agree that it would be best to do it outside and away from your kids on general principle.(FYI:I don't smoke myself,in case you were wondering)But I do think the habit has,to a certain point,been unfairly demonized and made synonymous with a weak or bad personal character.Belive it or not, there are things people do that are ALOT worse than smoking!
onewithshoes · 22-25, F
@4meAndyou I don't doubt that there is some damage from second hand smoke, but it's much harder to measure than the damage to smokers themselves, as there are so many other factors that need to be separated out.
Lemony1199 · F
How can you live in same house with them? It's more risky for your health than their own health being around smokers? Are you aware of this?
Loretta78 · 46-50, F
That’s very wise of you.

I am a non-smoker too.

I even never have touched a cigarette in my life.

There are better things than this. 😅
Barefooter25 · 46-50, M
I can never do that. Smoking is a relationship deal breaker for me.
Funlov · M
@Barefooter25 me two
do they smoke inside?
MarkRichardson · 46-50, M
@SW-User Occasionally, but outdoors mainly.
@MarkRichardson that's mainly good. i won't let anyone smoke tobacco in my house. luckily i have a large covered deck out back. lots of smokers in my family. and i used to smoke only when drinking, but that's all over with now
Justenjoyit · 56-60, M
@SW-User So smoking weed together is out then🤔
Thinkerbell · 41-45, F
I tried smoking, but didn't like it, so it never became a habit.
ProstituteAmy · 31-35, F
We smoke it's a part of our job too right?
DavidT8899 · 22-25, M
Good for you!
CactusJackManson · 46-50, M
I smoke weed and crack
Funlov · M
[@sylvester it is to stone to read
Funlov · M
Your not a crackhead
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Ryannnnnn · 31-35, M
Like all things that are tough to let go of they feel good. Best not try it.
akindheart · 61-69, F
I have never tried it. My ex smoked and quit and so dud 2 of my brothers
Funlov · M
Don’t waste money dirty habit I don’t smoke 🤮
A dear family friend died from emphysema a few years back. He never smoked, but he’d been married to a chain smoker for 35 years. She passed away first, from lung cancer. Sadly, even though it is the smoker’s life, that is probably not the only life it will affect, ultimately. 🥺
Loretta78 · 46-50, F
@bijouxbroussard What an irony,, that she as a non-smoker passed away first from lung cancet.

I am so sorry.
@Loretta78 She was the chainsmoker. He had never smoked and died from emphysema.
Loretta78 · 46-50, F
@bijouxbroussard Yeah, I understand that.
pancakeslam · 41-45, M
candycane · 31-35, F
TheLordOfHell · 41-45
@candycane Kool Aid!
wildbill83 · 36-40, M
candycane · 31-35, F
Me either it stinks like beer stinks too

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