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Best Comment

Getting Best Comment just isn't the same if you're the only comment.
WrngWlf46-50, F Best Comment
I wouldn't know because I've never received Best Comment
WrngWlf46-50, F
@WrngWlf thank you lol
@WrngWlf cam you give an acceptance speech, thanking your mom and dad and your high school English teacher? 馃槀
swirlie31-35, F
Can't say that anymore!

Pretzel61-69, M
look at it this way:

Your comment was SO good - that nobody could improve on it!
ShadowDancer41-45, M
These Pretzels are making me thirsty
IMO, Best Comment just isn't the same as Best Answer

"BC" is old and boring.

"BA" is new exciting, educational, artsy, and a degree worthy of having
@sstronaut exactly. Bring back best answer
@sstronaut why your username got removed?
@mysteryespresso because the admin found the user name "ssholes" to be offensive.
Thevy2941-45, M
But you made the Creator of the post happy. That counts for something.
True . Give me best comment
It ain't even anything big when it depends so much on the subjectivity of the OP.
Basically Best Comments are dopamine hits that don't give me any more dopamine rushes.馃槀
whowasthatmaskedman70-79, M
But imagine if you were the only comment and you DIDNT get best comment.....馃樂
@whowasthatmaskedman that's happened to me.
I just wanted to comment to say give her best comment. @WrngWlf
That's your SW participation award I guess. LOL
Jake96656-60, M
How about best and only comment ?
Yes, that would tend to take the gloss off of things!

TakeCare8736-40, M
Gimme best comment please.
Donotfolowme51-55, F
Sometime you get BC on a only commented Qs because the one who asked wanted to make it look less embarrassing
JaggedLittlePill46-50, F
Take what you get and be happy with it, dangit! 馃ぃ
pancakeslam41-45, M
no it's like a mutual pity reward
iamonfire69641-45, F
Hey a Best Comment is a Best Comment 馃き
Musicman61-69, M
Nope, but if everyone else is to lazy to answer the post then your comment was the best. Take it and say thank you. You know you get SW coins for giving and receiving best comments don't you.
Musicman61-69, M
@Lilnonames I am to cheap to buy coins.
@Musicman if the site was worth it I'd buy some but no way and once my vip runs out I'm leaving here
Musicman61-69, M
@Lilnonames we will miss you 鈽癸笍
swirlie31-35, F
Best comment still doesn't mean anything if even 100 people answer. The problem with even having the option of awarding BC is that as soon as best comment is awarded, it immediately stops all further participating in the thread.

Why would you continue to post comments in a thread if BC was already awarded, considering very few people will waste their time reading that post or your own comment once the thread technically closes for business after BC is awarded?
Musicman61-69, M
I usually wait one to two days before awarding Best Comment. I still get people replying after awarding it. @swirlie @Sevendays
swirlie31-35, F
What do you do then, give BC to yourself?
swirlie31-35, F
Why would you only wait one or two days before awarding BC when most people don't login here daily? What's your rush to award BC?

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